Serve technically

FREE STEM Courses for All Students

Create Your Website with HTML, CSS!


Do you want to build your own blog website? This small and interactive class is for the young adventurers who dare to build their own website! We try to keep the class as small as 6 students to be more interactive and helpful. Please read our guidelines carefully before enrolling.

  • Ages: 10+

  • Skill Level: Beginner

  • Instructor: David Lim (Computer Science, U.C. Berkeley)

  • Prerequisite: None

  • Subjects: HTML, CSS, GitHub, VS Code

  • Will be back!

Learn JavaScript: Code Your First Game!



Trinidad Ramirez currently studies computer science at CSU Monterey Bay, and also works professionally as an IT Associate for the State of California. He has 5 years of coding experience with languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, Java, and Dart. In his spare time, he enjoys golfing and spending time with his basset hound.

About Course

JavaScript is one of the world's most popular programming languages, and one of the 3 that all web developers should know, in addition to HTML and CSS. JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of JavaScript like variables and constants, functions, loops and logical operators, arrays, and events. At the end of the course, students should be able to create a simple “Whack-a -mole” game using JavaScript

Registration Closed

Learn jQuery: Build Bible Generator!

About Instructor:

Hello! My name is Miss Tasha and I am here to unleash the full potential of your inner coder. Or at least, that's the plan. In reality, I am just a humble coding instructor who has been teaching kids how to code for almost 4 years. I am a computer science graduate and all that jazz, but let's be real here - the real reason you should take my class is because I am a certified cat lady. Like, I have the t-shirts and everything. So not only will you be learning how to make a Bible Scripture Generator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript(jQuery) in this lesson, but you'll also get to see my adorable felines.

About Course:

Welcome to our online course on creating a random Bible scripture generator using HTML, CSS, jQuery, and APIs! This course is designed for students who have a foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Over the course of five days, we will introduce the project and review basic jQuery concepts, set up the project files and create the user interface, introduce APIs and retrieve scriptures from the Bible scripture API, add Google Text-to-Voice functionality, and test and debug the program. We will also present the completed program to the class. Are you ready to join us on this exciting journey and become a coding pro? Let's get started!

  • Skill Level: Intermediate

  • Admission: FREE

  • Registration closed- watch Video!

Python for Beginner: Code Your Game!


Join our exciting Python course designed for curious minds like yours. This course is specifically tailored for students aged 10-13.
Anish N. is our experienced coding tutor since 2021 and will be leading the remote class. This course is absolutely FREE! However, seats are limited, so secure your spot promptly. Let's unlock the wonders of STEM together!

  • Date: July 25- August 2nd ( schedule below)

  • Time: 2 PM (Pacitific Time)

  • Who is this for: Anyone, best for ages 10-13

  • Admission: Free

  • Registration closed- watch video!